Mobile Advertising


Untracked conversions happen on all devices. Mobile phones however generally tend to have more untracked conversions compared to other devices.

  • Cross-device (a consumer searches and clicks on one device but converts on another – often from mobile to desktop);
  • Calls (a consumer searches and clicks on their device, but ends up calling the business to convert);
  • In-store (a consumer searches and clicks on their device but ends up going to the store to make the purchase); and
  • In-app (a consumer searches and clicks on their device but ends up opening or downloading the app and converting in-app).

What is Full Value of Mobile?

Full Value of Mobile (FVOM) is about accepting that mobile conversions are about much more than just mCommerce, and that conversions in-store, via the phone, or on a PC may have originated from a mobile phone.

FVOM is also a way in which to estimate the leaked conversions in order to properly assess the value of mobile. Not attributing the leaked conversions is essentially undervaluing mobile devices because of their assisting characteristic (such as call conversions and in-store conversions).

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking helps you understand how well your keywords, ads, ad groups and campaigns are working for your business, allowing you to invest more wisely and help boost your return on investment (ROI).

Types of conversion actions


  • Track purchases, sign-ups and other website conversions


  • Track Android app conversions (includes downloads and in-app actions)
  •  Track iOS app conversions (includes downloads and in-app actions)


  • Track calls from ads
  •  Track calls to a Google forwarding number on your website
  • Track phone number clicks on a mobile website


  • Track offline conversions

Measuring mobile success

Two types of app conversion tracking:

  • App downloads are tracked when a user downloads or installs a mobile application for the first time.
  • In-app conversions are tracked when a user takes a specific action within a mobile app.

Search Network
For app promotion ads on the Search Network, a mobile conversion can be defined as an app download.

Display Network
For app promotion ads, a mobile conversion can be defined as an app download or in-app conversion event.

On Android, the conversion is tracked when the app is downloaded. On iOS, the conversion is tracked when the app is opened for the first time.

You Tube

  • Watches 30 seconds of the video or the full video, whichever happens first.
  • Clicks through to an app store in TrueView for app promotion ads.

App conversion tracking

An important aspect to mobile conversion is how to set up your apps so that you’re tracking all conversions including signing up for purchases, phone calls, app downloads, newsletter sign-ups and more.

Call conversion tracking
Conversion tracking to see how effectively your ads with call extensions lead to phone calls.

Mobile analytics with third parties

Google has created special integration solutions for advertisers working with third parties for conversion tracking. Third-party tracking companies are only able to track app opens and therefore refer to the first time a user opens the app as an install.

  1. The third party might provide the advertiser with tracking URLs, sometimes called “click” or “redirect URLs”
  2. The advertiser will need to set up an ‘Android App Install (first open)’ conversion event in AdWords.
  3. Third, the advertiser will need to set up server-side calls, also known as “postbacks”, that the third party will use to communicate the installs to AdWords.
  4. After you set up the postbacks from the third party to AdWords, the third party should provide you with a “Postback URL” sometimes called a “Feedback Template” that will be used for AdWords to send feedback about the click to the third party.

Now the third party will be sending information about every app install to AdWords and they will be notified if the install resulted from and AdWords click. Both the third party and AdWords will be able to report app install conversions.

Generally, third parties collect usage data first and then share this data with Google by sending a server-to-server ping. Google can then use the usage data for future reference. S2S pings for reporting usage data will also work for clients who may be using an in-house tracking system instead of a third party.